Curated Closet

A Minimalist Closet – Interview with Liat Demetrio

Learning how to live sustainably and build a capsule wardrobe has also exposed me to the minimalist lifestyle philosophy. What is minimalism? I haven’t found one definition for this, but it can be said that minimalism is the choice to own fewer objects in our lives. The consumer culture we live in has taught many of us to give too much meaning to objects in a way that can negatively affect our relationships, our personal growth, and even our health.

According to the ‘Minimalists,’ minimalism is a tool that aims to help us live a life of freedom and meaning without feeling the constant need to accumulate more objects into our lives. It also helps us make conscious decisions of the items we do choose to add to our lives.

Since I am not a minimalist myself, I turned to my friend Liat Demetrio. Liat is a future fashion designer that creates content about minimalism and sustainable fashion. I asked her to tell us about her minimalist lifestyle and about having a minimalist wardrobe.

Minimalist wardrobe
Photo by Liat Demetrio

Minimalist way of living

How did your journey as a minimalist start?

It all started from a YouTube video by Useless talking about a capsule wardrobe. From there, I discovered more and more YouTube channels dedicated to minimalism. At that time, my life was the complete opposite of minimalism, and it felt like a life-changing solution. Eventually, it really was.

How would you describe your lifestyle before you became a minimalist?

I always tended to be very organized, but I was never minimalist. Especially not in the last years before I made this change. I would buy anything that seemed a bit trendy to me, lots of unnecessary purchases. As a result, I also had great difficulty managing myself financially. Something I have only learned in recent years thanks to minimalism.

Minimalist lifestyle
Photo by Liat Demetrio
‎How would you describe minimalism?

Minimalism is, first and foremost, something that simplifies my life. It is a way of life that allows me to focus on the things that matter and ignore the noise. It sounds like a cliché, but it really works.

How do you implement minimalism in your everyday life?

Everything needs to be very functional at home. If there’s something that I’m not using, I pass it on. I do not accumulate stuff. I also try to think about using more of what I already have. This includes fixing worn-out items and giving a second chance to things before I part from them. Beyond that, it is important to remember that minimalism is more than a set of practical rules. It is a philosophy of life that requires asking questions about the meaning of items in our lives.

Minimalist wardrobe secrets

How would you define your style?

My style is actually quite far from aesthetic minimalism. I take a lot of inspiration from past fashions. I love the feminine and romantic, but also the jeans and the blazer. This is a classic combination that always works for me.

‎From where do you take inspiration for you outfits?

As I mentioned, from past fashions, especially the mid-20th century and ’90s. In addition, I grew up surrounded by women with amazing styles, and I often recreate their looks from the past. Beyond that, I also have my favorite fashion icons like Brigitte Bardot and Jane Birkin. Both are an endless source of inspiration for me.

Romantic and minimalist style
Photo by Liat Demetrio
How many items do you have in your closet?

That’s a good question. I never counted, but I estimate I have about 60 items. My closet is very versatile compared with the number of items in it. I do not set a limit of items to myself, and I have no problem adding more items as long as I like and wear each one of them.

‎How would you describe your shopping habits today?

I buy with a fairly low frequency today. In the last year, it was an average of five items. I do a lot of pre-planning when it comes to new purchases. Not just in fashion. It usually takes me a lot of time to decide to buy something new. Many times I eventually realize I don’t need this item, removing it from the basket.

Where do you usually shop for clothes?

Vintage or secondhand is always my priority. Most of my recent purchases have been through a great platform called Etsy. In the past, I also shopped from Asos Marketplace. Still, in my opinion, you can find many hidden treasures on Etsy as well as a wider variety of vintage. When I want to buy quality basics or denim, I turn to my favorite sustainable brand that never disappoints me – Reformation. Since last year, I have also started sewing as part of my fashion design studies. That’s why many of the items in my closet I designed and sewed by myself.

As someone who loves fashion, what helps you avoid the temptation of shopping for new clothes?

When I became a minimalist, I made a decision that I would not be enslaved to fashion. One can love, appreciate and even admire without containing the whole fashion world inside our closet. I always remind myself that my closet is tiny. It helps me set boundaries for myself. What always helps me make a decision is the test of time. After a few weeks of waiting, I usually decide to give up the item.

minimalist closet
Photo by Liat Demetrio

‎Behind the scenes of being a minimalist

What are the benefits of having a minimalist lifestyle?

The ability to appreciate more what I have and understand how little I really need. My head is always clean. I do not feel this constant urge that characterized my life before minimalism. I know exactly what I have and what I am missing. Minimalism taught me to say no and let go easily.

‎What are the challenges you face in having a minimalist lifestyle?

For me, this transition happened quite naturally, but I believe that many who have children or those who have hobbies requiring certain equipment may feel challenged. From my experience, it is not as challenging as it seems. Being a minimalist does not mean getting rid of all your belongings. It is rather about reducing the number of items you own. Everything else is a matter of will.

‎What is the first step you would recommend to someone who wants to start a minimalist lifestyle?

The most practical step I can recommend before you start trying to figure out how to deal with less and get rid of items is to take a few moments and think about your expectations from the transition to a minimalist lifestyle. For it to succeed, you really have to mean it. Otherwise, it will be just another passing trend. Think about what brought you to this point in life where you are considering being a minimalist. This understanding will allow you to stick to your new lifestyle without straying from it. Then you can look for practical solutions.

If you are also interested in a minimalist lifestyle, I invite you to follow Liat’s Instagram account and get more ideas, knowledge, and inspiration 🙂


  • Liat Demetrio
    30/06/2021 at 4:19 pm

    Can’t describe how proud I am, for being a part of this blogpost. It’s always great to work with you dear!

    • Sivan Maoz
      01/07/2021 at 6:57 am

      I’m so happy you feel this way dear! I’m always happy to work with you 🙂


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