Capsule Wardrobe

The Five Do’s and Dont’s of Starting a Capsule Wardrobe

Click Here to Download Your First Capsule Wardrobe Planner!

Three years ago, I first heard about the idea of a capsule wardrobe. I remember it was on the Useless DK YouTube channel. The idea of a small wardrobe with items that I could mix in various ways fascinated me even then, but I was unable to implement it on my wardrobe. At that time, I also trained to become a personal stylist. I noticed that the more I knew my own style, the easier it was for me to create the small, curated wardrobe I wanted to have.

I’ve been experimenting with different capsule wardrobe systems for the past year and a half. I started with building a small wardrobe of 10 items for ten days. Later on, I created a capsule wardrobe for an entire season. Building a capsule wardrobe that reflects my style and lifestyle was a learning experience that taught me a lot. It didn’t happen all at once, and it took some trial and error to find out the kind of capsule wardrobe that works for me.

In this blog post, I summarized my learning experience to help you avoid common mistakes and beliefs that might get in your way when building your first capsule wardrobe.

Let’s start with understanding who can benefit from having a capsule wardrobe?

Capsule wardrobe beginners guide
My winter capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe – Who is it for?

Do you feel that one or more of the following sentences describe you?

  1. Putting together an outfit in the morning takes you way too long.
  2. Your closet is full of clothes but you still wear the same pair of jeans and t-shirt every day.
  3. You constantly have the feeling that you have nothing to wear.
  4. You mindlessly add new items to your wardrobe and end up not wearing them.
  5. Opening your closet overwhelms you instead of bringing you joy.
  6. You want to understand your style better.

If you find yourself relating with more than one sentence, a capsule wardrobe can offer you a solution.

One of the main advantages of a capsule wardrobe is that it simplifies processes. Focusing on a specific number of items helps you make better use of your closet, dress quickly, and be more creative with the items you have. A small wardrobe also lets you know your style better and learn which items serve you in everyday life.

How to start your first capsule wardrobe?

Don’t: Go on a shopping trip in order to build a capsule wardrobe

Do: Learn how to be creative with what you already have

Sometimes it might seem like there is one format for a capsule wardrobe. While searching online, you’ll find checklists of items you’re supposed to have in your capsule. If these items are missing, you might feel that you should go shopping. Despite the temptation for a fresh start with a new wardrobe, I highly recommend not doing this. A capsule wardrobe is a learning process. During this process, you should learn to work with the items you already have. You can start with the items you already know and love wearing. This will also make the process easier for you. As you move forward, you can always add new items.

Don’t: Take the rules too seriously

Do: Find the capsule wardrobe guidelines that work for you

Many capsule wardrobe guides come with a set of rules. These rules are meant to teach you how to work with your wardrobe. I encourage you not to take these rules too seriously. If they stress you or make you feel constrained, they are not suitable for you. Instead, use them as guidelines or recommendations. During my 10×10 challenge last winter, I chose not to include outerwear or shoes in the ten items. It helped me not to feel too limited, and it worked out great. While experimenting with your wardrobe, create your own rules that will work for your needs.

Don’t: Expect the first try will be perfect

Do: Start small

In the past, the idea of ​​a seasonal capsule wardrobe felt too stressful for me. I was afraid of feeling restricted with a small wardrobe that should serve me for a long time. Therefore, I started with a short ten-day wardrobe as part of a 10×10 challenge. I experienced this challenge twice: in summer and winter. Afterwards, I was ready to build a seasonal capsule wardrobe.

If you have a similar concern, I recommend starting with a short-term capsule wardrobe. After a short experience, you can build a monthly or seasonal wardrobe. Look at this as a learning experience about yourself and your closet. Do not expect your first wardrobe to be perfect. You may decide to make changes and adjustments as you go, and that’s fine. The further you experiment, the easier it will be for you. You’ll also start feeling how your wardrobe becomes more refined and suitable for your needs.

What should a capsule wardrobe contain?

Do: Declutter your closet

Don’t: Use it as an excuse to go shopping once your wardrobe is smaller

One of the first steps of creating a capsule wardrobe is decluttering your closet and parting with items that don’t serve you anymore. Once you’ve cleared out your closet, please don’t see it as an opportunity to refill it with new items. A spacious closet allows you to access your items easily and maximize their use. Enjoy the sense of order and space to experiment with your wardrobe. Put together outfits that you haven’t thought of wearing in the past. Once you know your wardrobe better, make a shopping list of missing items and shop consciously.

Do: Narrow down the number of items

Don’t: Get stuck on a specific number

A capsule wardrobe usually has a specific number of items, such as – 10×10 challenge, Project 333, 30 items for 30 days, etc. Limiting the number of items can be helpful, but can also feel like a stressful demand. You might even think that if your wardrobe has more than 35 items, it’s not even considered a capsule wardrobe. From my perspective, it’s not all about the numbers. My first seasonal capsule wardrobe included 40 items at first without shoes. I narrowed it down along the way, noticing which items I wasn’t wearing. Eventually, I ended up with 33 items, including shoes.

Which items to include in a capsule wardrobe
Winter Capsule Wardrobe Outfits

These were my five tips for your first capsule wardrobe – ‘do’ and ‘don’t do.’

If you liked these tips and want me to further guide you in creating your first capsule wardrobe, download my Free Capsule Wardrobe Planner! It includes exercises and practical advice on where to start when building a capsule wardrobe.

Click Here to Download the Planner!

When building your first capsule, don’t be too hard on yourself. Each of us has their own pace and rules. Remember that a capsule wardrobe is a tool meant to serve you, and not the goal itself.

If you also have tips on building a first capsule wardrobe, I’ll be happy to hear about them in the comments below 🙂

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